Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
The vision for our Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) was to improve the quality of life for persons who use prostheses and orthoses through creative applications of science and engineering to prosthetics and orthotics (P&O). From 2008-2013, we worked to uncover new knowledge and understanding in P&O and bring more quantification to the field in order to develop new concepts and devices to improve the quality, cost-effectiveness and delivery of P&O fittings. During this NIDRR grant cycle, NURERC conducted seven research projects, five development projects and multiple educational projects that to expand the understanding of the biomechanics of human movement, develop improved devices for people with amputations and train others in these areas of knowledge.
Research collaborations and educational opportunities were available through associations with multiple university entities, including the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; and the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) at the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science. Graduate students working to complete their MS and PhD degrees contributed significantly to our work in research, development and education.
RERC Research & Development Projects
The following projects were completed as part of the RERC activity. Learn more about the projects on the Areas of Research section of our site.
Research Activities 2008—2013
- Examinations Of Balance In Persons With Transfemoral Amputation
- Evaluation Of Spinal Motion In Persons With Transfemoral Amputation
- Effect Of Socket Characteristics On Coronal Plane Gait Stability
- Investigation Of Ankle Axis Misalignment In AFOs Using a 3-D Model
- Assessing Performance Claims For Articulated Hands
- Assesing Prosthetic Needs Of Farmers and Ranchers
- Enhancing Quality Of Services With Process and Outcome Information
Development Activities 2008—2013
- Performing Multi-center Motion Analysis Studies Of P&O Users
- Further Development Of an Adaptable Prosthetic Ankle Unit
- Further Development Of the Junior Shape & Roll Prosthetic Foot
- Preliminary Quantitative Gait Analysis Of RGO Users
- Modeling the Effects Of Hip Joint Stiffness On RGO-assisted Gait
- Clinical Collaboration To Improve Orthotics and Prosthetics Practice
Publications & Manuals
Primary goals of the RERC for P&O are to provide education about the science of P&O; and to disseminate the results of research and development projects conducted at the NU-RERC to audiences that include people who use prostheses and orthoses, prosthetists, orthotists, physicians, therapists, manufacturers, suppliers, other researchers, and the general public. In partial fulfillment of those goals, these publications and manuals are available at no cost.
Capabilities is a free publication designed to inform the clinicians, researchers, consumers and the public about advances in P&O research and education. From 1991 through 2013, Capabilities was published as a quarterly that was funded by grants from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) of the U.S. Department of Education.
State of the Science Reports of the RERC for P&O
The NURERC publishes State of the Science (SOS) Reports as part of our mission to educate others about the science of P&O. This information is freely available to the public.
- Report on the State of the Science Meeting in Prosthetics and Orthotics, May 17-18, 2002, Chicago, IL.
- Research in P&O: Are We Addressing Clinically-Relevant Problems? February 28, 2006, Chicago, IL.
- Report on the State of the Science Meeting in Prosthetics & Orthotics (P&O), October 13, 2012, Chicago, IL.
Shape&Roll Prosthetic Foot Instruction Manuals
- Step 1: Construction Of a Shape & Roll Prosthetic Foot Molding Machine (Spanish Translation)
- Step 2: Making a Cement Upper Molding Surface (Spanish Translation)
- Step 3: Making a Cement Tray (Spanish Translation)
- Step 4: Making a Shape & Roll Foot
Learn more about the Shape & Roll Foot Designer Kit in our Research section.
Shape&Roll Prosthetic Foot Jr.
Scholars Program
Currently unfunded, the NURERC Scholars Program has provided opportunities that are similar to its previous incarnation as the NIDRR Scholars Program. Annually, we designate a portion of our RERC funds to host a NURERC Scholar. The NURERC Scholars Program actively recruits persons with a physical disability, enables them to become involved in rehabilitation research projects at NURERC, and encourages them to pursue career work in rehabilitation research.